So I'm finally ready to start the Slow Carb Diet. As per the 4 Hour Body by Tim Ferriss, which has gained lots of great reviews and results from readers. I'm a person who of course loves food, and loves her bread and cheese and pasta and fruit and it goes on. I've been contemplating actually doing the diet for months now, because I want the results it will give me, but to not eat all the foods I was hard. So I've accepted the personal challenge I've set for myself in hopes to delevop better eating habits, and physical fitness.
Since reading the book, I have tried baby steps like only taking cinnamon in my coffee, which is really good, and easy to do. I've made note when grocery shopping what not to buy, so that if it's not there, I won't eat it- which is also helpfull when u go to the fridge or the pantry late at night.
I understand and experienced that eating foods that actually sustain you, like protein, will make you feel fuller longer, and you don't
need to eat when you're not hungry.
It's great to hear from you guys that you actually like my blog and the recipes I post. Please
follow me too and leave comments or feedback so I know you do visit the blog. It really encourages me post more often, knowing that you wanna see more :)
Here goes my Slow Carb Challenge. In hopes that you will be inspired to try out these recipes too if you're doing the Slow Carb, and even if you're not. Oh and for Cheat days, be sure that there will still be some yummy carb-filled, sugar drenched, fatty maddness posts as well. lol.
This will be FUN! and ENJOY!