Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rosemary Potatoes

This one is good all year round, as a side dish, especially with turkey. This is my fave way to eat red potatoes. The aroma draws you in, and then you can't stop eating them.

  • Baby Red Potatoes, quartered
  • 2 Tbsp Can't believe It's Not Butter (you can use whichever butter/oil you prefer)
  • 1-2 tsp dried rosemary leaves (if you use fresh rosemary,chopped, you can use more)
  • Cracked Black Pepper, to taste

Get Started:
  • Boil the potatoes in water in a deep pot until tender, about 20 mins (depends on how full your pot is)
  • Strain, and place potatoes back in pot
  • Add the rosemary and butter, stir

Ready to EAT!

Green Bean Salad

Refreshing, cold salad to escape the heat. It's so simple and easy to make, there's no excuses for this one. I made this recipe by eye, so use the vinegrette  and ingredients according to your portion size.

  • Green Beans, a bunch, whole
  • Red Onion, thinly sliced, less than a quarter onion.
  • 50/50 Dark Sesame Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar
  • salt and pepper to taste

Get Started:
  • Snip the tips off the beans, wash and place in a pyrex glass container with cover.
  • Place in microwave on HIGH for 2 minutes. Let stand afterwards for another 5 minutes.
  • Transfer to a tupperware container, add the onions.
  • Prepare in the vinegrette in a small bowl, or by eye over the beans.
  • Stir, and set in the fridge to cool and marinate. This should be about 20-30 minutes


Spicy Muscles

This recipes is a little large, considering that the container of muscles from Costco comes only in one large size (2.72Kg!), so this can easliy feed 4-6 people, and this is including a refill for each person, cuz they're that good.

  • 1pk Fresh, Live Muscles, washed, beards removed
  • 796mL can of Crushed Tomatoes
  •  5 Jalapeno Peppers, thick slices
  • 2 TB dried Oregano
  • 2 heaping tsp Tumeric
  • 1 inch piece of Ginger, sliced

Get Started:
  • Use a large braising pan with a cover, place on MED-LOW heat, add the crushed tomatoes, oregano, tumeric. Stir to mix spices evenly.
  • Cut the peppers and ginger, add to the pan.
  • Rince the muscles and add them to the pan, stir them about using a large spoon and cover.
  • Let it cook, and stir occasionally until muscles have opened, roughly about 15-20mins, make sure to let it cook a bit longer if your pan is really full.

Ready to Eat!

Summer Fun

Now that the sun is finally out to great us, it's the time for nice cool dishes to soothe you from the heat.
I'll be setting up some of my cool recipes that I'll be eating myself in the nice weather!